
Salmonellosis - Prevention

Salmonellosis - Prevention

Cleanliness is the key to prevent Salmonellosis.

There are no preventive vaccines available. Therefore the following measures may be adopted to prevent the infection -

  • Do not forgot to wash hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet
  • Wash hands thoroughly after touching animal feces
  •  Clean utensils and kitchen work- surfaces well before use 
  • Thorough cooking kills Salmonella
  • Clean and cook eggs or poultry well, before consumption.
  • Avoid eating raw eggs/diary products/vegetables
  • Avoid drinking raw milk
  • Do not eat semi-cooked meat
  • Wash hands immediately after handling poultry/meat
  • Wash hands immediately after handling any reptile.
  • Ensure that children wash their hands after handling poultry or a reptile
  • Breast feeding helps to prevent the infection in an infant.