
Psoriasis - Lifestyle and Wellness

Lifestyle and Wellness

Recent research has revealed that individuals affected by psoriasis are more prone to smoke, consume alcohol and to be overweight when compared to the general population. These individuals also tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle. All of the above traits are hardly surprising given the fact that these individuals are a depressed lot, who also suffer from low self- esteem.

Although binge eating or that extra puff may temporarily wipe the worries away, it must be remembered that these habits tend to increase the chances of developing psoriasis, besides increasing the severity of this disease in a person who is already suffering from it. These habits also result in lessening the effect of the treatment provided to the patient.

Currently it is impossible to prevent psoriasis. However, a healthy lifestyle consisting of adequate sleep, balanced diet, regular exercises, and minimizing stress can go a long way in reducing recurrences. Care should be taken to avoid overexposure to cold, sun, and skin irritants, such as drying soaps or lotions.

Advise to parents

Dealing with children with psoriasis can be challenging to parents. Most children are angry and depressed about the treatment they get from classmates and peers. Their behavior might become unpredictable. Parents must learn to be very understanding and compassionate. They must learn about the disease themselves and try to educate their children about it in an open and honest way. It might help to remind the child that the disease is not contagious and that there are several others who suffer from psoriasis. It might also be consoling for a child to be told that the disease can become better with the treatments currently available.

Above all, parents must make it known to a child suffering from psoriasis that he is not alone and that they would continue to support them.

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