
Primary Amenorrhea - Signs and Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms

No menstruation even after the age of 16 is the most prominent symptom of Primary Amenorrhea.

The signs of Primary Amenorrhea include those that are visible or known to the patient like lack of menstruation and lack of puberty signs. The signs usually vary from individual to individual and, most often, may be difficult to assess without the help of a qualified medical practitioner. The signs may be caused by the underlying causes of Primary Amenorrhaea, like a Chromosomal Aberration or may be manifestations of the disease itself.

Most prominent signs include:

  • Lack of Menstruation by age 16, which may or may not be devoid of signs of puberty.
  • If caused by Chromosomal abnormalities, symptoms such as short stature, webbed neck or mental retardation may also be noted.
  • Extreme Obesity in some, while in others there may be Weight Loss.
  • Ovarian Failure or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
  • Structural abnormalities of the uterus and vagina.
  • Gonadotropin releasing factor (GnRH) deficiency.
  • Hypothyroidism