
Treatment of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL)

Treatment of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL)

V. Interferon Therapy

Interferons are a group of proteins released by cells that are infected with virus. Besides aiding normal cells to generate antiviral proteins and strengthening the body's immune response, interferons also help in the reduction of cell proliferation and tumor growth.

Interferon-alpha (INFa) is an interferon that is used to treat some types of NHL. However the benefits of interferon remain unclear and there are questions raised by experts regarding their suitability for NHL treatment.

VI. Surgery

Surgery is a rare option used to treat NHL. If lymphomas arise in organs such as the stomach or thyroid, surgical removal of the tumor may be considered.

However, surgery may be associated with its usual side effects or complications, some additional problems are listed below-

  • Adhesions (abnormal joining) of organs and tissues
  •  Cosmetic disfigurement
  •  Nerve injury
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