
Muscular Dystrophy / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - FAQs

Q: Which doctor should be consulted if there is a patient of Muscular dystrophy?

A: A child specialist should first be consulted, however for long term management many a team of doctors including physiotherapist, chest specialist, orthopedicians are required.


Q: What is the prognosis of DMD?

A: DMD is a progressive disorder and the patient usually dies before age 25.

Q: Can DMD be prevented?

A: DMD is a genetic disorder. There are no tests to detect DMD in a child before birth. However, genetic counseling helps in the identification of at risk families.

Q: When does a doctor suspect Duchenne Dystrophy (DMD)?

A: DMD is suspected when boys present with walking difficulties usually around the age of 2 or 3 years.
