
Asperger's Syndrome-Treatment


People are always looking for the single magic bullet that will totally change everything. There is no single magic bullet - Temple Grandin

There is presently no magic pill to treat Asperger's syndrome. In certain cases, where the child portrays hyperactivity, depression or anxiety, stimulants may be prescribed by mental health professionals.

The corner stone of treatment for children suffering Aspergers syndrome should ideally focus on the specialty and uniqueness of each child. Any treatment for children suffering from the condition is dependant on the environment, challenges and temperament of each child. In effect, the treatment will be successful only if it is custom made to the needs of the child.

Treatment for Aspergers syndrome is multifaceted involving the contribution of therapists to impart social skills training, teachers to improve the interaction of victims in classrooms and parents to engage in activities at home to uplift the children.

a) Social Skills Training

This forms an important facet of treatment for Aspergers syndrome victims. It is aimed at helping the child learn to communicate in a socially acceptable manner. Training the child to pick up the nuances of body language, value the importance of personal space and engage in proper eye contact helps the child comprehend non verbal cues. Therapy is given till the victim unlearns the traits intrinsic to the disorder.


b) Modifying School Environment

The school environment must be tailored to the needs of the special children. Teachers can help a great deal with the use of behavioral techniques to assist the child. Protecting the child against teasing by other children and conscious positive reinforcement is of utmost importance to help the child develop normal behavior notwithstanding the disorder.

c) Role of Parents

The role of parents in providing them security, unflinching support, love and nurturing cannot be overemphasized in allaying the stresses for Aspergers afflicted children. The author Brenda Boyd, in her book, 'Parenting a Child With Asperger Syndrome', underlines the importance of 'accepting the child' but 'challenging the behavior' as a way to effective intervention.

Parents need to devote extra time to help the child learn the art of communication. Play based activities, modeling correct forms of speech and expression, reducing their anxiety and tension by providing comfort and security at home, is perhaps the only way to help the child cope with the disorder.
