
Sir 2 genes

Sir 2 genes

Sirtuin, or Sir 2, genes play a role similar to calorie restriction and enhances longevity.

More than a decade ago, scientists at the MIT in the United States, began to delve into this amazing phenomenon. By employing molecular techniques, Drs.Leonard Guarente and David Sinclair discovered that the addition of a copy of the Sirtuin gene, Sir2, to yeast cells enhanced their longevity by 30 %. Further studies have revealed that these genes play a role in harnessing the goodness of calorie restriction.

An obvious question that crops up is - ‘Do we have to deprive ourselves of food in order to kick-start these genes?’ The answer is ‘No’. Studies indicate that the Sir2 genes require a metabolite to activate it. By evaluating the metabolic activity, the gene initiates anti-ageing processes similar to those triggered by a restricted diet.

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