Understanding Introversion and the Probable Signs of Introversion in Children

FAQs Understanding Introversion and the Probable Signs of Introversion in Children

Q: Which specialist doctor should I consult to learn more about child’s personality type?

A: You should consult a psychiatrist or a psychological counselor.


Q: Is ‘Social Anxiety’ and ‘Introversion’ the same?

A: No. Social Anxiety and Introversion are not the same. Social anxiety, when experienced, makes an individual uncomfortable and hinders his/her activities of daily living, performance at work etc. Introversion is an innate personality trait, and individuals are comfortable being that way, and it doesn’t stop them from doing what they need to.

Q: Can being an introvert cause social anxiety?

A: Being an introvert does not necessarily lead to or cause someone to become socially anxious. Still research shows that chances of social anxiety are higher in introverts in comparison to extroverts.

Q: Tips for introverts to deal with anxiety?

A: Engage in ‘Do-it-Yourself projects, physical activity or exercise, meditation, journaling, enjoy nature. Indulge in activities that will help you wind down and enjoy some time by yourself. Exercising helps release the ‘feel good’ hormone, which would help you remain calm and feel more relaxed.

Q: What are the four types of introverts?


  • Social Introversion - prefers to be by self rather than in company of others.
  • Thinking Introversion - the intellectuals, enjoy learning, research etc.
  • Anxious Introversion - try their best to avoid socializing to a point that they may be thought of as rude.
  • Restrained Introversion - ones who think a lot before doing or saying anything.

Q: Who are some famous introverts?

A: Albert Einstein, Meryl Streep, J K Rowling, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Emma Watson, Bill Gates, Rani Mukherjee, Aamir Khan, Ranbir Kapoor.
