How and When to Stop Breastfeeding

How and When to Stop Breastfeeding - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can you stop breastfeeding and start again?

A: Yes, this can be done. Sometimes, a mother may need to stop breastfeeding in order to have a full supply of milk again. The process may take up to a month. Thereafter, you can start breastfeeding again after a certain interval of time. One hurdle you may face is the baby getting used to having milk from a bottle. However, this is not difficult to overcome. You should spend more time cuddling the baby and having more skin-to-skin contact. This should help the baby get back to breastfeeding quickly.


Q: How long will it take for the menstrual cycle to be back on track after I stop breastfeeding?

A: Mothers who are breastfeeding may not get their periods for up to several months. However, in most women, the ovulation and, hence, the periods return within a few months of breastfeeding. This may or may not affect the milk supply.

Q: What are some physical changes that arise after stopping breastfeeding?

A: Some physical changes that may arise when the mother stops breastfeeding include pain in the breasts leakage, some mild irritation, and engorged breasts. However, these can be managed easily. Some women also tend to experience mood swings as the hormone levels start changing.

All the mothers would agree that breastfeeding is not just a physical process, but also leads to intense emotional bonding between the mother and her baby. So, the mother may have a dilemma on her mind when it comes to stopping breastfeeding. However, know that this is completely normal and the mother gets to decide the time when both she and the baby are comfortable and ready for a change.
