
Health Effects of Global Warming - Solution


Excessive global warming is caused mainly by the increasing amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trapping excessive heat in the earth’s atmosphere when fossil fuels like petroleum, natural gas, coal and oil are burned. Conserving energy by simple lifestyle changes and exercising caution in our day to day activities can slow down global warming and save the world from potential health hazards.

There are certain steps that need to be taken at the macro level by policy makers and in offices to reduce global warming and thereby protect the world and all forms of life from disease and death.

Macro level steps to reduce global warming

  • Educating people—especially the younger generation about global warming through media, educational institutions and community groups
  • Promote energy-saving initiatives at offices and all institutions
  • Discourage cutting of trees and encourage large-scale tree-planting because trees absorb carbon dioxide
  • Select “clean” energy alternatives like solar energy and wind energy that do not emit carbon dioxide
  • Arrange to recycle paper, plastic, glass etc.

Micro level measures

  • Reduce the energy needed to heat and cool your home. Setting a thermostat 2 degrees lower in winter and 2 degrees higher in summer could save 2000 pounds of carbon dioxide every year, says a US study
  • Use fuel-efficient cars, drive less, and car pool with friends, neighbors and colleagues
  • Recycle AC coolant and maintain vehicles by periodically checking if tyres are properly inflated to give more mileage
  • Spread the message of energy conservation and recycling among your family and friends.
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