
Health Insurance Policies - Fine Prints - Vision and Dental Expenses including external aids / supportives

Vision and Dental Expenses including external aids / supportives

Cost of spectacles, contact lenses, hearing aids

External supporting kits such as spectacles and contact lenses for long-sightedness and/or short sightedness are not reimbursable by Insurance.

In the same manner, hearing aids for deafness or partial deafness on account of old age or trauma does not qualify for reimbursement of Insurance.

Similarly crutches, knee-caps, neck collar, knee braces, abdominal belt etc. being external supportive/treatment aids are not eligible for reimbursement of claim.

Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless necessitated by accident and requiring hospitalization.


Dental treatment is not payable under normal circumstances by Insurance. Just admitting a patient for dental treatment/surgery without proper justification does not qualify for medical reimbursement.

Dental treatments undertaken in connection to Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) only, may be reimbursable by Insurance, but that too, depends on an independent case study. Having suffered from a RTA with no injury signs on the face of an individual does not become eligible for reimbursement of the amount on dental treatment. Simply collecting dental surgeon’s consultation fees is liable for deduction in claim amount.
