Spasmodic Dysphonia

Spasmodic Dysphonia - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which specialist should I consult to rule out spasmodic dysphonia?

A: You should consult a ear nose and throat (ENT) specialist.


Q: What is the latest research on spasmodic dysphonia?

A: Current research, particularly gene research, has given more understanding about the cause of focal dystonia. Advances in the understanding early onset generalized dystonia has given clues to the mechanism and pathogenesis of dystonia.

Brain imaging studies help scientists to identify possible differences between patients with spasmodic dysphonia and healthy volunteers and also find out how spasmodic dysphonia compares with other dystonias.

Q: What is a functional voice disorder?

A: Functional dysphonia results from improper or inefficient use of the vocal mechanism when the physical structure is normal and no structural or neurological defect is identifiable (e.g., vocal fatigue; muscle tension dysphonia). It is also referred to as functional voice disorder.

Q: What is a psychogenic voice disorder?

A: Voice quality may be affected due to emotional stressors leading to recurrent aphonia (inability to speak) or dysphonia (poor voice quality, pitch, loudness, or strained speech). These voice disorders are termed as psychogenic voice disorders or psychogenic conversion aphonia/dysphonia and are rare.
