
Skin Substitutes - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctors use skin substitutes for skin grafting?

A: Skin substitutes are normally used by plastic surgeons for skin grafting.


Q: Which is the best skin substitute available in the market today?

A: It would be difficult to choose any specific skin substitute as the best in the market since each of them has their own benefits and disadvantages.

Q: What are the steps in wound healing?

A: Wound healing consists of several steps. In the initial phase, cells that cause inflammation invade the wound area and clean it up by removing the dead tissue. Following this, collagen is laid down along with ground substance called proteoglycans. The cells from the edges of the wound multiply and slowly cover the whole wound. Later, special cells bring about contraction of the wound, as an attempt to reduce the size of the wound. Finally, scar tissue forms over the wound
