Performance Enhancing Drugs

Performance Enhancing Drugs - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor monitors performance enhancing drugs and is creatine considered a performance enhancing drug?

A: Generally a sports medicine doctor monitors performance enhancing drugs and yes creatine is a nutritional supplement and used for enhancing performance.


Q: Can anabolic steroids affect behavior?

A: Yes, reports and studies indicate that anabolic steroids, particularly in high doses, lead to increased irritability and aggression.

Q: Are anabolic steroids suitable for females to consume?

A: Steroids are mostly used by men to be more fit and masculine; going by this reasoning, steroids might not be suitable for females. Some negative side effects of taking steroids include deepening of the voice, increased body hair and loss of scalp hair.

Q: Can I get addicted to steroids?

A: Although steroids are not physically addictive, they are psychologically addictive.
