
Liposuction - FAQs

Q: Which type of doctor performs the liposuction procedure?

A: Plastic surgeon with cosmetic surgery interests usually performs the surgical operation.


Q: I am 14 years old and weigh a 100 kg. Can I undergo liposuction?

A: Liposuction is normally not recommended for children in the growing age. However you could consult a plastic surgeon who will be able to guide you.

Q: Does liposuction have permanent results?

A: No, the results of liposuction are not permanent. Only some, and not all fat cells are removed by suctioning. The remaining fat cells can undergo enlargement and contribute to recurrence of obesity. Therefore it is very important to follow strict diet regimen, exercise in order to avoid putting on weight. Also, do follow the doctor’s post-operative instructions carefully and diligently. Sometimes, you may require 3-4 sittings of liposuction to cover all the desired areas as well as for better results.

Q: Will the procedure be totally scar-free?

A: There may be a couple of scars depending on whether abdominoplasty or other procedures have been performed in addition. However the scars will be not easily visible.

Q: How long does the healing process last?

A: It would take you about three weeks for the healing process. There will be some amount of swelling, bruising etc after the procedure: this is to be expected and it will take about 3 weeks for all this to vanish before you can see the results.

Q: Will liposuction remove cellulite?

A: No, it will not. Liposuction may have to be combined with mesotherapy to remove cellulite.
