Annular Pancreas / Duodenal Birth Defect

Annular Pancreas | Duodenal Birth Defect - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for annular pancreas?

A: You should consult your family physician when you experience abdominal pain. After a medical examination, the doctor may recommend laboratory tests and imaging studies to understand the diagnosis.


Q: What is the outcome of annular pancreas following treatment?

A: Annular pancreas when treated with surgery has a good response rate though adults may be susceptible to cancer.

Q: How is the body affected when the pancreas fail?

A: The pancreas is an organ that releases enzymes to digest food before it enters the small intestine. When the pancreas fail, conditions, such as pancreatitis, diabetes, and pancreatic cancer develop.

Q: What is the incidence of annular pancreas in adults?

A: In adults, annular pancreas is observed at a frequency of 0.005 to 0.015%.

Q: What are the conditions rarely associated with annular pancreas?

A: Malignancy (cancer) or obstructive jaundice, are rarely observed in cases of annular pancreas.

Q: What is portal annular pancreas?

A: It is an extremely rare form of annular pancreas where the pancreas encircles the portal vein.
