Are you wondering if your ‘hearing’ is getting weaker?
Are you increasing volume in TV or radio to volume levels that others find loud?
Do you often ask people to repeat themselves during conversations because you are straining to hear them clearly?
Do even loud noises sound like mice squeaks?
Do others tell you more than once that you may have hearing problems?

If the answer is
YES to any of the above questions then you are at the right place to check your hearing ability.
Hearing loss is the third most identified health problem in the United States after heart disease and arthritis. Hearing loss or hearing impairment is a partial or total inability to hear in one or both ears. Hearing ability varies from person to person and people of all ages can gradually lose their hearing strength for many reasons. However, hearing loss is a common disability that can affect people above the age of 65.
If left untreated hearing loss can affect your quality of life leading to social isolation, depression, falls, emotional instability, paranoia and dementia. But don’t lose heart! You’re not alone in this. Millions of people of all ages are dealing with hearing problems on a daily basis. World famous achievers with hearing problems like musician
Ludwig van Beethoven, inventor
Thomas Edison, Hollywood stars like
Steve McQueen,
Whoopi Goldberg and
Jodie Foster and US Presidents
Ronald Reagan and
Bill Clinton, to name a few, continue inspiring people with hearing loss to lead successful lives.
Medindia’s hearing loss calculator can help you find your hearing impairment at an early stage and guide you to visit a hearing professional for a more comprehensive hearing evaluation.
❖ | Wear your earphones. (Remember, headphones are head-worn audio devices and earphones are plugged directly in your ears) |
❖ | Check your earphone’s quality (A default sound will be played before the test to ensure your earphone’s quality). |
❖ | Set your system volume at 50%. |
❖ | Audio sounds at different frequencies will be played through your ear phones. |
❖ | At the end of each task, you will find a questionnaire to answer, asking about your hearing experience. |
Please give honest responses to the hearing test and make sure that you are not in a noisy environment to get accurate results. Keep your ears tuned! |