
Constipation Calculator

Are you having less than three bowel movements per week and abdominal pain? You may be suffering from constipation. Calculate the severity of your constipation using Medindia's Chronic Constipation (Severe Constipation) symptom checker.

Constipation Calculator

Male Female Others

1. What is the Frequency of your bowel movements?

2.How long does it take for you to have a bowel movement?

3. How often do you feel like you haven't emptied your bowel after bowel movement?

4. How long have you been suffering from Constipation?

5. Do you feel pain or discomfort during a bowel movement?

6. Do you suffer from abdominal pain with constipation?

7. Do you require any assistance for bowel evacuation?

8. Have you ever had difficulty passing stool after multiple attempts within 24 hours?


Constipation, or difficulty passing stool, is a common digestive complaint and is a symptom of gastrointestinal abnormalities and preventing constipation is done by treating underlying disease.

What is Constipation?

Constipation is a common digestive symptom characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty in stool passage. The prevalence of constipation in the general population is about 20%.

Constipation is more prevalent in the U.S. affecting approximately 4 million people annually. It is more common among adults over 65 years of age.

Constipation is more common in women than men and may be due to improper diet, inadequate fluid intake, physical inactivity and due to certain medication. (1).

Causes and Symptoms of Constipation

The causes of constipation may include

Symptoms of Constipation

  • Infrequent bowel movements - less than 3 bowel movements per week
  • Hard, dry stool
  • Straining - Excessive effort while trying to pass stool
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel emptying
  • Abdominal discomfort or bloating
  • Lower abdominal pain - cramps or dull pain in the lower abdomen
  • Reduced appetite
  • Nausea (severe constipation) (2)

Bristol’s Stool Chart

The Bristol Stool Chart is widely used to describe the shapes and types of stools. It is also used as a tool to diagnose constipation, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome.

How to Relieve Constipation?

Lifestyle Changes

The first-line treatment for constipation is lifestyle and dietary changes. These are effective for most people.
  1. Increase fiber intake in the diet as fiber adds bulk to stool and helps in smooth bowel movement. Try to incorporate 25-30 grams of fiber each day. Gradually increase fiber content to prevent bloating and gas.
  2. Drinking plenty of water can soften the stool making it easier to pass. Try to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water.
  3. Avoid excess caffeinated or alcoholic drinks to prevent dehydration.
  4. Engaging in light physical activity can stimulate muscles of the intestine and can improve bowel movement.
  5. Try to follow a routine bowel movement, by going to the bathroom at the same time each day, ideally after breakfast when the digestive system is naturally active.
  6. Avoid ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement, as delaying can worsen constipation.

Over-the-Counter Treatments

These can be used if lifestyle changes are not effective. They include stool softeners (Docusate Sodium), bulk-forming laxatives (psyllium husk) etc. These are only for short-term relief use.

For severe and chronic constipation, medical intervention is needed underdoctor’s supervision. Laxatives for chronic constipation , biofeedback therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction and manual intervention (for faecal impaction on severe constipation) (3).

When to Consult a Doctor

It is necesssary to consult a doctor if any of the below signs appear



1. What medications are used to treat constipation?

Besides the diet and lifestyle changes, laxatives or stool softeners may be used for the treatment of constipation when necessary. Counseling of the patient may also be necessary

2. Which doctor should I visit in case I suffer from constipation?

You should visit your family doctor / general practitioner to treat constipation. He may refer you to a gastroenterologist if required.

3. What happens to untreated constipation?

Discomfort and irritation are most commonly associated with constipation and can lead to haemorrhoids (piles) , rectal bleeding (red streaks in stool or bloody diarrhea), (skin tear around the anus) and (leakage of liquid stool) (4)

4. Can stress cause constipation?

Yes, stress and anxiety can affect digestion and slow down bowel movement which results in constipation (5).

5. Why constipation is common in elderly people?

Older adults are more prone to constipation due to slow metabolism , reduced physical activity, medication side effects and low-fibre diets or reduced appetite (6).

6. Are there any natural remedies for constipation?

Yes, Prunes or prune juice warm water with lemon in the morning, psyllium husk or flaxseed as natural fiber sources and regular physical activity and abdominal massages can help to relieve constipation (7).

7. Does fasting or skipping meals cause constipation?

Yes, fasting or skipping meals reduces food intake, which slows down intestinal activity and bowel movements. A regular eating schedule helps maintain consistent digestion and bowel habits (8)

8. Can constipation cause bad breath?

Yes, because waste products accumulate in the colon and release toxins. These toxins can enter the bloodstream and cause a foul odor in breath (9).

9. Why is the position I sit when in the toilet important?

The standard toilet forces the body into a 90° angle, which can bend the rectum and make it harder for stool to pass. A squatting position (knees above hips) helps straighten the rectum, relax the pelvic floor muscles, and allow for smoother bowel movements (10).

10. Does using a Western toilet worsens constipation?

Yes. Western toilets force a sitting position that creates a sharper angle, making stool passage harder. Squatting toilets are considered more natural for bowel movements because they straighten the rectal canal. Using a footstool can mimic squatting on a standard toilet (11).

  • 1. Constipation
    ( )
  • 2. Constipation
  • 3. 8 Remedies To Relieve Constipation
  • 4. Constipation
  • 5. Constipation and Stress
    ( )
  • 6. Pathophysiology of constipation in the older adult
  • 7. Foods for Constipation
  • 8. Constipation: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options for Better Bowel Health
  • 9. The gastrointestinal aspects of halitosis
  • 10. Implementation of a Defecation Posture Modification Device
  • 11. Squatting vs. Western Toilets: Unveiling the Health Benefits
  • 12. A constipation scoring system to simplify evaluation and management of constipated patients

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Consult Gastroenterologists Online

Dr. Aakash Garg
Dr. Aakash Garg
11 years experience
View Profile
Dr. Arti Pawaria
Dr. Arti Pawaria
15 years experience
View Profile
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
11 years experience
Alchemist Hospital, Panchkula
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Dr. Rajagopalan Krishnamachari
Dr. Rajagopalan Krishnamachari
28 years experience
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