
Symptoms of HIV Infection

Symptoms of HIV Infection

Stage 1: No Symptoms - In the first stages of HIV, the symptoms don't show up People can live with AIDS for years without knowing it Blood tests will show antibodies after they form to fight the AIDS virus, but it takes the antibodies three months to appear.

Symptoms of Hiv

It means that if you take a blood test right after you have sex, the virus won't show up for another three months.

Stage 2: Mild Illness - At this stage, the virus grows within the white blood cells and destroys them.

When most of the cells are destroyed, the immune system is destroyed and the body weakens.

Symptom of Aids in Adults

Some symptoms they might have include:

  1. Feeling tired
  2. Weight Loss
  3. General symptoms of - cough, diarrhea, fever, or sweating at night

Stage 3: Severe Illness - By this time, the AIDS virus has nearly destroyed the body's immune system.

  • The body has great difficulty fighting off germs.
  • Also, patients can develop a rare type of cancer called "Kaposi's Sarcoma".
  • AIDS doesn't kill anyone, but other infections and cancer do.