
Scoliosis - Glossary


Spine: The flexible bone column extending from the base of the skull to the tailbone. It is made up of 33 bones, known as vertebrae. The first 24 vertebrae are separated by discs known as intervertebral discs, and bound together by ligaments and muscles separate the first 24 vertebrae. Five vertebrae are fused together to form the sacrum and 4 vertebrae are fused together to form the coccyx. The spine is also referred to as the vertebral column, spinal column, or backbone.

Scoliosis: This is a deformity of the spine, where the spinal curvature is deviated to one side from its normal alignment.

Cerebral Palsy: Neurological disorder due to a damage to the brain before or during birth that results in muscle weakness, spasticity and other problems.

Muscle cramps: These are involuntary and forceful spasms of a muscle where the muscle does not relax.