Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for ODD?

A: You should consult your family doctor initially who may refer the child to a psychologist later on if needed.


Q: Is oppositional defiant disorder a mental illness?

A: Yes.

Q: At what age can you diagnose ODD?

A: ODD is usually diagnosed from four years onwards.

Q: Can oppositional defiant disorder be cured?

A: It can only be controlled with combination of psychotherapy and medications. There is no specific treatment for ODD.

Q: Can adults be diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder?

A: Yes.

Q: Does ADHD medication help with ODD?

A: In some cases ADHD medication may reduce ODD symptoms.

Q: How do you discipline a child with oppositional defiant disorder?

A: A child with ODD may be disciplined by giving clear-cut instructions and following up with appropriate predefined consequences. Recognizing and praising the child's positive and good behavior helps to promote desired behaviors in children. Always show consistent and unconditional love and acceptance of your child. Appreciate the child when they cooperate and show improvement in their behavior.
