Retinal Migraine (Ocular Migraine)

Retinal | Ocular | Eye Migraine - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for ocular migraine?

A: If you experience any of the above symptoms, please do not delay in consulting your ophthalmologist.


Q: What is the link between ocular migraine and stroke?

A: A period of visual loss or darkness may also be caused by a mini-stroke, which should be ruled out in a patient with ocular migraine.

Q: Is ocular migraine possible in children?

A: Ocular migraine has been reported in children as young as 8 years old.

Q: What is the frequency of retinal migraine in women?

A: Retinal migraine is seen slightly more often in women in their childbearing stage with a frequency statistic of female: male as 1.4:1.

Q: Are the symptoms of retinal migraine persistent?

A: The symptoms of retinal migraine usually recur but the patient is normal between attacks. Some patients however can suffer from permanent vision loss.
