
Monoplegia - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for monoplegia?

A: You should consult a neurologist (a doctor specializing in nerve diseases).


Q: What are upper and lower limb monoplegia?

A: When only one arm is paralyzed, it is called upper limb monoplegia or brachial monoplegia and when one leg is affected, it is called lower limb monoplegia or crural monoplegia.

Q: Can persons with monoplegia feel pain in their affected limb?

A: They cannot feel external stimuli that produce pain. However, pain arising within the affected limb (internal pain) can be felt by the patient.

Q: How do hemiplegia and monoplegia differ?

A: Hemiplegia is a condition in which one side of the body is paralyzed, while in monoplegia, one limb is paralyzed.

Q: Can monoplegia be cured?

A: Monoplegia cannot be cured if the paralysis is complete (permanent). However, if the paralysis is temporary or partial, then physiotherapy can help to ease the symptoms and regain functionality as much as possible.
