Liver Cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is cryptogenic cirrhosis?

A: Cryptogenic cirrhosis refers to cirrhosis where the cause is not known despite extensive investigation. Many of these cases have been found to have been actually due to NAFLD.


Q: Which doctor treats cirrhosis?

A: Cirrhosis is treated by a general physician or a hepatologist. Complications may require surgical treatment.

Q: Which patients are at a higher risk of suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?

A: People at a higher risk of suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease include those who suffer from obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels or a combination of these factors.

Q: Should patients with cirrhosis reduce the dosage of their routine medications?

A: Many medications are metabolized by the liver and their blood levels may increase in patients with liver disease, resulting in toxicity. These medications may require reduction in dosage or may need to be totally avoided. Therefore, patients with cirrhosis should consult their doctor before taking any medications, including over-the-counter drugs.
