Cryptococcal Meningitis

Cryptococcal Meningitis - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor treats cryptococcal meningitis

A: An internist or infectious diseases specialist will treat cryptococcal meningitis.


Q: What is cryptococcosis and is it contagious?

A: Cryptococcosis is an infection by the fungus Cryptococcus. However, these infections are not contagious (does not spread from human to human).

Q: What are cryptococcomas?

A: Cryptococomas are nodules (single or multiple lesions in the brain) that occur when there is a cryptococcal infection.

Q: Can fungal meningitis be cured?

A: Patients who suffer from meningitis can be cured if detected and treated at an early stage but require medications for a long time to avoid relapse and other infections. However, more than 50% of patients do not survive in lower-income countries

Q: What is cryptococcal paradoxical IRIS?

A: Cryptococcal paradoxical IRIS (immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome) is a complication that arises after initial cryptococcal meningitis treatment and ART therapy. It manifests as lesions in the skin, brain, lesions in the lungs and abnormality of the lymph nodes. If the initial meningitis treatment results in CSF sterility, there is a reduced risk of IRIS.

Q: What is the survival rate of meningitis patients?

A: Fungal meningitis has a high mortality rate in hospitals in the range of 30%-50%. However, ART has brought down the mortality rate in developed countries. Low-income countries still suffer from a high rate of mortality due to unavailability of ART.
