The medical costs of Zika would be around $600,000 to diagnose Zika-related effects and the total lifetime costs will reach $4.1 million.

‘The CDC puts the range at anywhere from $1 million to $10 million per case to pay for special schooling, to modify their home and vehicles, and, critically, the loss of income for parents providing round-the-clock care.’

For pregnancies carried during a Zika infection, researchers estimate anywhere from 1 to 13 percent will result in a birth defect. The best-known is microcephaly, a condition in which a baby’s head size is two standard deviations below the norm. But that’s only part of the story. 

“We have plenty of patients with microcephaly who are very healthy, with few neurological impairments,” says Nassim Zecavati, a pediatric neurologist at Georgetown University Hospital. “But with Zika, the brain is not only small, but underdeveloped and malformed.”
“We can easily say that there are certain tests these babies and children will require, like MRIs and EEGs,” says Zecavati. “But the cost of diagnostic testing will pale in comparison to cost of the long term healthcare.”
Unable to walk, speak, swallow, or even breathe on their own, they’ll need wheelchairs, feeding tubes, and breathing apparatuses. And they’ll be more susceptible to pneumonia and infections, among other complications.
“A very, very conservative guess would be that the medical costs of Zika would be around $600,000 for these families,” says Jorge Alfaro-Murillo, a research scientist at Yale’s Center for Infectious Disease Modeling and Analysis.
For families without millions of dollars sitting under their beds, Medicaid will probably cover the majority of the medical treatments. “About 20 percent of state budgets right now go toward Medicaid,” says Gerard Anderson, a health economist at Johns Hopkins University.
“A copper IUD costs a dollar. And even the cost of a visit is an infinitesimal fraction of what it would be able to take care of even just a Zika-risk pregnancy.” Those costs shrink away to nothing in comparison to the price of a generation of Zika-affected babies.