Despite barely studying for an exam he claimed wasn't very difficult , a 16-year-old Hong Kong student has notched up the highest mark in an international maths test

"It was quite a shock. I was very surprised and certainly happy," Leung told local paper The South China Morning Post.
"My parents were happy, a little surprised but, like me, they don't quite believe it," he added.
A school spokeswoman told AFP Leung had received a certificate from the Cambridge University saying he had the world's highest mark in IGCSE maths.
The test, designed for 14 to 16-year-olds and given at schools that teach an international curriculum, was divided into three papers, including one exam that had to be completed without a calculator, the report said.
The papers covered statistics, trigonometry and geometry, among other topics.
"But since that wasn't the only exam I was sitting, I didn't study much."
Last month, 10-year-old Hong Kong twins Estephe and Perrine Corlin scored straight "As" in the IGCSE maths papers, which is designed for students at least four years older.