The cost of raising a child, the time spent and the compromises to be done with regard to their career and ambition stop working women in China to have a child.

‘More than 70 percent said they would not consider leaving their jobs to become mothers as they fear if they stop working, they will become isolated from a dynamic society and lose their career prospects.’

More than 56 percent of interviewees cited the cost for not having a child. The second concern was the amount of time, energy and attention involved. Other concerns included career risks, the pain of childbirth and little faith in their marriages. 

More than 70 percent said they would not consider leaving their jobs to become mothers, while only 18.53 percent said they would take this into account.
Wang Yixin, a senior consultant at Zhaopin, said most career women think it is impossible to live solely on their husbands' paychecks.
"Other reasons involve their own ambitions. They fear that if they stop working, they will become isolated from a dynamic society and lose their career prospects," Wang said.
Peng Xi, 29, a marketing employee for a pharmaceutical company, has been married for two years and still hasn't decided whether to have a child.
Peng is also worried about losing promotion opportunities, a concern shared by many women worldwide.