For the first time ever, women are earning the majority of PhDs awarded in the United States, narrowly edging out men from their last stronghold in US academic achievement, a study has shown.

Women also earned about two-thirds of the graduate certificates awarded in 2008-09, and 60 percent of the master's degrees, said the report, which was based on surveys sent to more than 800 US colleges and universities.
At doctorate level, education accounted for the largest number of degrees awarded in 2008-09, with 14.4 percent of the total. Women earned more than two-thirds of the PhDs awarded in education.
Women also earned a majority of doctorates in the health sciences (70 percent), in public administration (61.5 percent), social and behavioral sciences (60 percent), arts and humanities (53 percent) and biological and agricultural sciences (51 percent).
But men continue to dominate in fields seen as traditionally male, such as engineering, which awarded the second largest number of PhDs in the United States after education.
More than three-quarters of recipients of engineering doctorates last year were men.
US Census Bureau data released in April showed that women overtook men in terms of holding advanced degrees -- both master's degrees and PhDs lumped together -- in 2000.
A key reason for young women's greater earning potential is the fact that they are "going to college in droves" and going further than men in their education, the report said.