
Wimbledon 2012 Will Be Provided 28 Tons Of Strawberries

At this year's Wimbledon, tennis fans are expected to get through about 28 tons of strawberries.

 Wimbledon 2012 Will Be Provided 28 Tons Of Strawberries
At this year's Wimbledon, tennis fans are expected to get through about 28 tons of strawberries.
A single punnet of 10 berries and cream costs 2.50 pounds - same price as last year, the Daily Express reported.

Hugh Lowe Farms in Mereworth, Kent, will provide 30 tonnes of strawberries to the tennis championships over the next fortnight. They have been the only provider of the crop, through catering company FMC, for more than 20 years.

The berries, which are the Elsanta variety, need to be an all over scarlet colour before picking.

