Do you know why 'fish 'n' chips remind you of that sunny picnic you had a few years ago or why an ABBA song reminds you of your prom night?

Studies have shown that something we smell or hear is woven deeply within our memories at that particular time, place or person.
For example, the animals that had seen a flashing light while being shocked held the memory of the shock in a brain region that processes visual data.
It is thought the two visual and aural memories are woven together in the grey matters - meaning that retrieving one also triggers the other, reports the Daily Mail.
The finding explains why a whiff of a certain perfume reminds us of the only person who used it.
Just as the whirr of a computer modem is for many an instant reminder of the Nineties.
Studies have found that no matter how badly we have been hurt in the past, we dwell on the positive when thinking back.