The World Health Organization has approved a South Korean company as the third producer of an oral vaccine against cholera, in a bid to double global stockpiles.

‘In a bid to double global stockpiles and address dire vaccine shortages, the World Health Organization has approved a South Korean company as the third producer of the oral vaccine against cholera.’

In a bid to double global stockpiles and address dire vaccine shortages, the World Health Organization said that it had approved a South Korean company as the third producer of an oral vaccine against cholera. 

"WHO has approved South Korean biopharmaceutical firm EUBiologics to make the vaccine, implying a potential doubling of the available vaccine for 2016, to six million doses," said Stephen Martin of WHO's epidemic diseases unit.
In 2015, the sole contributor to the WHO stockpile, Indian firm Shantha Biotechnics, produced just three million doses - enough to protect 1.5 million people with the necessary two-dose treatment.
"Swedish firm Crucell also makes a WHO-approved cholera vaccine, but does not contribute to the stockpile. The addition of the third producer was 'very welcome', as in 2015 the demand was greater than supply," Martin explained.
Both Sudan and Haiti made requests in 2015 for WHO cholera vaccine supplies for pre-emptive immunization campaigns, but were turned down due to the global shortage, the UN agency said in a statement.
Martin said the addition of a new producer would not only increase access to the vaccine, but was also expected to lower the cost per dose from $1.80 to $1.45.
WHO first created its cholera vaccine stockpile in 2013, and since then more of the vaccines have been distributed and used than in the previous 15 years, it said.
A large portion of the vaccines used in 2015 went into a massive immunization campaign in Iraq, where more than 2,800 cases of cholera were detected.
That campaign, which ended in December, 2015, focused especially on camps for refugees and internally displaced people, amid fears the disease would spread to war-ravaged Syria.
WHO said that the outbreak was considered to be over, and they had no indication Syria had been affected.