
What We Say About Others Says a Lot About Us

by Tanya Thomas on Aug 4 2010 11:13 AM

 What We Say About Others Says a Lot About Us
Recent research has it that how we rate others says a lot about ourselves in turn. For example, if you're a person who looks positively at others around, you sure are one happy and emotionally stable person.
Peter Harms at the University of Nebraska and Simine Vazire of Washington University in St. Louis conducted the study.

The team discovered particularly strong associations between positively judging others and how enthusiastic, happy, kind-hearted, courteous, emotionally stable and capable the person describes oneself and is described by others.

"Seeing others positively reveals our own positive traits," Wood said.

In contrast, negative perceptions of others are linked to higher levels of narcissism and antisocial behavior.

"The simple tendency to see people negatively indicates a greater likelihood of depression and various personality disorders," Wood added.

This research suggests that when you ask someone to rate the personality of a particular co-worker or acquaintance, you may learn as much about the rater providing the personality description as the person they are describing.

The study appears in the July issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

