
Weight Loss Helps Both Expectant Mom and Child

by Vishnuprasad on Jan 31 2015 7:21 PM

Weight Loss Helps Both Expectant Mom and Child
Before a woman gets pregnant it is very common for her to plan and prepare for her child's arrival to ensure that the baby will benefit from the healthiest, most comfortable life possible.
Sometimes, these preparations may be financial or they may involve taking such important healthcare steps as quitting smoking. Now, according to data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, one of the best things that a mother can do for the health of her child is to ensure that she is at a healthy weight. Considering the consistent record of success that patients of board certified bariatric surgeon Michael Feiz, M.D., F.A.C.S. have achieved, weight loss surgery with Dr. Feiz and Associates may be the best way to combat pre-pregnancy obesity.

According to the study that was published in the BMJ medical journal, the occurrence of infant death amongst women with a healthy BMI of 18.5-24.9 was 2.4 for every 1,000 births. For women with a BMI over 40, that number jumped up to 5.8 deaths per 1000 births. That means that infant mortality is 2.4 times more likely with women who are severely obese. Especially considering how difficult losing a significant amount of weight can be, this number may seem frightening to obese women who may soon become pregnant. Luckily, with the help of bariatric surgery from Dr. Feiz, women can get the boost that they need to begin losing weight.

Once a woman decides to get weight loss surgery with Dr. Feiz, the next step is deciding which procedure to elect. For most women, the choice comes down to deciding between Lap Band vs gastric sleeve surgery. While some surgeons push their patients into one type of surgery, Dr. Feiz looks at every patient on a case by case basis and recommends whatever surgery will be best for their individual situation. Some patients lean toward the Lap Band procedure because it is possible to later get a Lap Band removal if they are not happy with the results. Also, because no portion of the stomach is removed, it does not reduce nutrient absorption. Yet, the majority of women see the gastric sleeve procedure as the better option, because it is proven to be more effective in helping patients lose weight.

Although plenty of information is available on both procedures, women who are or may become pregnant should always consult a highly qualified weight loss specialist like Dr. Feiz to get a personalized assessment of what procedure may be best for them. If the future of your own health is not a big enough motivator for you to get on the track toward life-changing weight loss surgery today, consider doing it for your future child. For more information you can visit the Dr. Feiz and Associates website, or call their offices today at (800) 868-5946.

