Vitamin E is rich in antioxidants that helps in several body functions like muscle building and repairing the torn plasma membrane of every cell.

Vitamin E helps repair these membranes and thus contributes to keeping muscles healthy.
"Every cell in your body has a plasma membrane, and every membrane can be torn," said corresponding author of the study Paul McNeil, cell biologist at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University in the US.
"Part of how we build muscle is a more natural tearing and repair process - that is the no pain, no gain portion - but if that repair does not occur, what you get is muscle cell death. If that occurs over a long period of time, what you get is muscle-wasting disease," McNeil explained.
Good sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils; nuts; seeds such as sunflower seeds; green leafy vegetables; and fortified breakfast cereals, fruit juices, and margarine, according to the US National Institutes of Health.
For the new study, rats were fed either normal rodent chow, chow where vitamin E had been removed, or vitamin E-deficient chow where the vitamin was supplemented.
The study appeared in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine.