
Vitamin D Deficiency, Obesity May Increase the Need for Supplementation in Occupational Asthma Patients

by Adeline Dorcas on Dec 28 2018 3:26 PM

New study highlights the relation between vitamin D intake and obesity in occupational asthma patients and need for supplementation.

Vitamin D Deficiency, Obesity May Increase the Need for Supplementation in Occupational Asthma Patients
New study was conducted to evaluate the vitamin D intake in occupational asthma patients and the relation with body mass index, comorbidities related to vitamin D deficit, lung function and quality of life.
Occupational asthma is a common //occurrence in a significant number of adults suffering from the disease. Even after the cessation of exposure, asthma remains dominant. Previously, Vitamin D intake was rarely evaluated in cases of occupational asthma regardless of it being an important part of nutrition.

The main objective of this study is to assess the Vitamin D intake in occupational asthma patients and its relation with body mass index, co-morbidities related to Vitamin D deficit, lung function and quality of life.

The researchers found a reduced Vitamin D intake in both irritant and allergic asthma both in obese and non-obese patients. Even though the average intake levels were comparably higher in non-obese patients than obese patients, it did not reach to a significant level.

Lower intake was also found in mild asthma group compared to severe asthma group, marginally reaching significance level at the median test. Regression analysis revealed a different pattern in the asthma groups. The Impact score in irritant asthma indicated a stronger relationship with BMI while the symptom score in allergic asthma group was closely associated with the Vitamin D intake.

The research team concluded that the relation between obesity and vitamin D on clinical scores and lung function depended on the asthma phenotype. It was recommended that the nutritional interventions in all occupational asthma phenotypes should be an important aspect in future treatments, especially targeting body fat reduction and achievement of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin D. When studying the impact of weight loss on asthma progression, it was concluded that Vitamin D status should be taken as an influencer.












