Taking vitamin B6 helps people recall their bizarre dreams, shows study.

The vitamin, which is found in meats, whole grains, vegetables, nuts and bananas, has long been thought to help recollect dreams and enhance their lucidity but this was based on theory rather than a concrete study.
However, a small study done back in 2002 has come to light which apparently goes some way to proving the familiar theory.
In the preliminary study, 12 university students were given different amounts of the vitamin over a period of five days.
Four participants were given 100 milligrams, four were given 250 milligrams, while the rest of them were given a placebo.
The participants who were given the biggest dose of the B-6 had a higher rate of dream salience as determined by vividness, bizareness, emotionality, and colour, the Daily Mail reported.
However, too much of the vitamin can mean that you won't get to sleep at all as it can cause insomnia, as well as heart palpitations, cramps, high blood pressure, and panic attacks.