
New Hereditary Bone Joint Disorder Identified

by Medindia Content Team on Oct 1 2005 4:28 PM

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University and University of California have found evidence for a new hereditary joint disorder which has been reported in Journal of Arthritis & Rheumatism. The disease is found to cause extensive bubbling of the cartilage leading to tear off from the bone. This results was from a case study in which the father and all his three children were suffering from the disorder.

Degenerative disorders of the hips was found in all the three children’s and in their factors causing exposure of the cartilage leading to bubbling and tearing off by which the bones are exposed at an early age, the father of the 3 children’s had pain in the hip and knees from the age of 10 and by the age of 40 he had a hip replacement. All the 3 children’s had multiple arthroscopic procedures in the knees, hips and shoulders. The exposing of the cartilage leads to vulnerability of various complications at an early age leading to fragility of the bone, which is highly increased.

"Further studies elucidating the mechanisms leading to the delamination of cartilage from the bone in the family may provide insights into cartilage-bone interaction in other forms of joint degeneration," wrote the researchers, from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and the University of California, San Diego.
