
Laser Therapy Found To Help People Quit Smoking

by Medindia Content Team on Jan 10 2005 2:30 PM

New research shows Low Level Laser Therapy could help people quit smoking. Laser therapy also does not require nicotine or drug replacement. The therapy delivers laser beams to acupuncture points on the body and ear to eliminate the craving for nicotine. It is a noninvasive method , has no side effects and smokers need only three to five treatment sessions that last about 30 minutes.

Researchers studied 340 smokers who either received three treatments, four treatments, or no treatments. Nearly all participants who received four treatments stopped smoking, and about half of participants who received three treatments stopped smoking. Many of those receiving the treatment who did not completely quit at least cut down on consumption. Smoking habits of most participants in the control group did not change.

Thus researchers say the patients who returned to tobacco during the three months following the study reported they smoked due to particular moments of stress experienced. Patients also reported feeling and sleeping better after laser treatment.
