
New Treatment For Tendonitis

by Medindia Content Team on Apr 12 2004 7:38 PM

Tendonitis occurs when a tendon near a joint becomes inflamed. Treatment is often difficult and recovery can be long. Now, a new approach relieves the pain of this common condition.

Now, an increasing number of patients with tendonitis are finding relief with extracorporeal shock wave therapy. During the therapy, ultrasound energy targets the affected area. Doctors say it usually takes two to three 20-minute shock wave treatments to relieve the pain of chronic tendonitis.Numerous clinical studies have shown it to be effective in managing a wide variety of tendonopathy and chronic tendonitis syndromes.

Specialists say the shock waves inhibit pain in the nerve endings and increase blood flow, promoting healing. Specialists also say It's a safe non-invasive procedure and is comfortable for the patient, and is also well-tolerated.
