Playing online video games may be relaxing for some time but getting too much addicted may lead to extremities. In one such case, two brothers in Delhi have become so much addicted to games that they forgot to eat, sleep and even stopped emptying the bladder.The brothers, one aged 22 and other 19 played continuously for more than 18 hours without eating or sleeping. It got so bad that they even started urinating and defecating in their pants. Twice even their homes were looted when they were playing.
‘Two brothers in Delhi got addicted to online gaming and played for up to 18 hours a day without eating, sleeping or taking toilet breaks.
Dr.Ankur Sachdeva, a psychiatrist, has treated the brothers when the condition became very severe over two years. The brothers were put on a rehabilitation program and were administered with medications such as Fluoxetine (anti-depressant) and Clonazepam to help them sleep. They were kept away from games and motivated to speak with their family."Both their parents were working. They gave the children everything they demanded, from the latest gadgets to pocket money, but perhaps failed to provide the personal attention and guardianship they required most," he added.
“Excessive use of the internet is a common complaint, but it is not classified as an addiction. We do receive such complaints but this was a study case because of the severity of the condition,” said Dr. Ankur Sachdeva, who cited the case in the International Journal of High-Risk Behaviors and Addiction in December 2015.
“Online games are virtual representations of life-like societies and a person with low self-esteem may find it comforting they need not interact directly with other people. Children who have this problem usually withdraw from social interactions and shut themselves out. They also have no interest in other activities,” said Dr. Sachdeva.
“Apart from the behavioral and lifestyle changes we suggest in the children, we also ask the parents to spend more time with their children. It is important that they do not nag or make negative comments as the children might then rebel and go back to his habits,” he added.