The Victorian Government has decided to introduce a new breastfeeding policy at the workplace, allowing government workers paid breastfeeding breaks and a raft of policies to make

Premier Anna Bligh announced the policy would begin Thursday morning at State Parliament, saying that it was "irrefutable" that breastfeeding could be "extremely inconvenient in the workplace".
"We will provide lactation breaks during work hours for mums who want to express milk in a private area by offering flexible options for working hours and by providing refrigeration," Bligh said.
"Where possible...these lactation breaks of up to one hour of paid time are to be provided, and where employees require more time, flexible work or leave arrangements can be implemented," she added.
She said she understood many mums also chose not to breastfeed, and that for others it wasn't possible. But, she said, mums who choose to do so should be supported at work.