Venezuelans are suffering shortages of basic foods and supplies. The fall in oil prices has slashed the government's primary source of revenue.

‘Venezuela’s ombudsman urged to allocate funds for acquiring raw materials and supplies for manufacturing medicines.’

Venezuelans are suffering shortages of basic foods and supplies. The fall in oil prices has slashed the government's main source of revenue. 

Saab said the government should "import only that which it is not possible to produce in Venezuela."
Opposition lawmakers who control the legislature were preparing on Tuesday night to pass what they called a law "to tackle the humanitarian health crisis."
Allies of socialist President Nicolas Maduro have vowed to resist, however, branding it a ploy to discredit the government.
The opposition vowed to find legal means to drive Maduro from office after it took control of the legislature in January.
On April 4, he signed an agreement to import medicines from his ally Cuba.