Changing global climate due to on-going and projected warming could severely impact U.S. naval forces worldwide, a Texas A and M University researcher has said.

The report, issued by the National Research Council and requested by the Chief of Naval Operations, paints an ominous picture of disputes over national boundaries and exclusive economic zones, strains on naval capabilities due to increasing disaster assistance demands, vulnerabilities of naval coastal facilities to sea level rise, greater demands on America's international maritime partnerships, and a shortfall in naval capabilities and personnel trained to operate in the Arctic, said Mahlon "Chuck" Kennicutt II, professor of oceanography who was a member of the committee that authored the report.
The committee heard testimony from a large number of military, private sector and scientific experts. It was asked to examine climate change impacts on our world and how these might affect U.S. Naval forces' (including the Navy, Marine Corps and the Coast Guard) operations and capabilities.)
Kennicutt said the committee took the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) most likely future scenarios as a basis for its deliberations.
"It is an eye-opening report and presents a rather foreboding series of possible outcomes as our planet warms and reacts to past and continued greenhouse gas emissions." Kennicutt said.
"The report brings to the attention of U.S. naval leadership areas that need attention in future planning and that will prepare the Navy for a warmer world."
"Arctic sea ice is melting much faster than predicted just a few years ago, so much so that there could be a summer, ice-free Arctic Ocean in a matter of years," he explained.
"How this will affect U.S. national and homeland security is open to debate, but it is clear that an ice-free summer Arctic will dramatically change the politics and military strategies of the north for the foreseeable future," Kennicutt said.
The committee also looked at how droughts and other weather disasters play a role in the military's human assistance/disaster relief activities, such as the role the military played in recent tsunami and earthquake incidents (though not climate related). In recent years, there has been a growing demand on the U.S. military to serve a lead role in disaster relief.
"Especially dire are predicted impacts of famines and other natural disasters on Africa and the movement of refugees into Europe," he explains.
"Predictions suggest that over the next few decades droughts will be more severe, and so will storms such as hurricanes and typhoons, and this could put a severe strain on the military as it tries to respond to increasingly frequent natural disasters worldwide," he added.