Being aroused in any way may make you feel positive and happy, but that can come at the cost of your health, says a new study.

In a study conducted amongst two groups, one watched a positive but calm movie clip while another set of participants watched a positive but arousing movie clip. All participants were then asked to choose between two snacks: a cup of grapes and a cup of M and Ms.
The results showed that participants who watched the arousing movie clip were more likely to choose M and Ms than those who watched the calm clip. Moreover, when participants who watched the calm movie clip would choose M and Ms, they were more likely to carefully regulate or monitor the amount of M and Ms they ate.
The team also found that participants who watched the calm movie and performed a light exercise on a step stool were more likely to choose M and Ms than those who were sedentary.
"In order to resist temptations and make choices that are healthy and have long-term benefits, a person needs to be both in a positive frame of mind and have the available mental energy needed to make good choices," the authors conclude.
The study is published in the Journal of Consumer Research.