A new scale has been developed to help physicians identify morbidly obese patients at greatest risk of a condition, known as massive localized lymphedema (MLL).

‘In morbidly obese individuals, the lymphatic system in the legs becomes damaged, and patients develop lower extremity swelling, known as obesity-induced lymphedema.’

The researcher team, led by Arin K. Greene, MD, MMSc, FACS, a plastic surgeon at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, developed a probability scale that can help physicians identify patients at greatest risk of this condition, known as massive localized lymphedema (MLL). This study is the first to identify the cause of MLL as obesity-induced lymphedema (OIL), and it builds upon previous work Dr. Greene and colleagues have published in which they identified OIL as a disease resulting from obesity. 

"The major clinical takeaway for physicians is that if they have a patient with massive localized lymphedema, the individual has an underlying disease called obesity-induced lymphedema and the initial treatment should be weight loss," Dr. Greene said. "Surgeons should consider removing one of these massive growths only after the patient has lost significant weight, because the risk of recurrence is lower and the operation is much safer."
Body-mass index (BMI) is a measure that determines an individual's weight status. It is the ratio of one's weight in kilograms to the square of height in meters (kg/m2). BMI of 25 kg/m2 is considered normal, between 25.1 and 29.9 kg/m2 overweight, and 30 kg/m2 or greater obese. Once an individual's BMI exceeds 50 kg/m2, the lymphatic system in the legs becomes damaged and patients develop lower extremity swelling, known as obesity-induced lymphedema. Over time, massive overgrowths can occur in these patients; the higher the BMI, the greater the risk.
The Boston Children's-Harvard study involved 82 obese patients who underwent lymphoscintigraphy, a nuclear medicine test for evaluating lymph drainage, to evaluate lower extremity lymphatic function between 2009 and 2016. Seventeen were diagnosed with MLL, and all of them had underlying OIL. Their median BMI was 66 kg/m2, ranging from 62 to 78 kg/m2, with a median age of 61 years (median age of controls who did not have MLL was 55 years). Patients with a BMI greater than 56 kg/m2 had a 213 greater odds of developing MLL than patients with lower BMI. Dr. Greene pointed out that lymphoscintigraphy "is very accurate in determining if the lymphatic vessels in the lower extremities are functioning properly."
"An important finding of the study is that we can now counsel patients with OIL who have not yet developed MLL about the likelihood that they will develop MLL if they do not lose weight," Dr. Greene said. The study researchers developed a probability scale that identifies a patient's risk for developing MLL: a 4 percent chance at 40 kg/m2; 15 percent at 50 kg/m2; 40 percent at 60 kg/m2; 75 percent at 70 kg/m2; and 92 percent at 80 kg/m2.