
Try These Fertility Apps If You are Planning Your Family

by Bidita Debnath on Apr 17 2017 11:48 PM

Infertility is an alarming issue among young couples. Here's a quick preview of some of the popular fertility apps from across the world.

 Try These Fertility Apps If You are Planning Your Family
In this fast track digital era where fast results and quick response to every single action has become mandatory, even a slight delay in the work results in stress and anxiousness. This stress goes on to a new level, when the matter is regarding life and death.
Infertility is an alarming issue among young couples. So, have you ever imagined of an app that can help you to plan your family properly. After strenuous research and inputs by Fertility expert Dr Priti Gupta, First Step IVF, we have found that there are certain apps in the market that can help you trace your fertility cycle, so that you can plan your pregnancy and conceive successfully! Here's a quick preview of some of the popular fertility apps from across the world.

Fertility Friend: An advanced ovulation calculator with menstrual calendar and fertility chart, the 'Fertility Friend' app is every woman's delight, especially those who are looking forward to conceive. - The app interprets your fertility signs like body temperature, cervical fluid etc. - Accurately estimates your ovulation date and fertile days. - Advanced tools and tips to predict the fertility chart - A comprehensive analysis of menstrual cycle statistics (ovulation dates, cycle phase lengths, symptoms, period dates) and fertility chart - Daily notes, alarming symptoms and medicines - Apart from these, you can use an alarm that reminds you to feed in the daily entry.

You can expand your knowledge on the same subject by educational resources like videos, quiz, eBooks, tutorials etc. The basic app is free but a nominal fee allows you to access a more comprehensive data like intercourse timing analyzer.

Glow Ovulation and Fertility Tracker: The app lets you keep a tab on your fertility while planning a pregnancy or when avoiding it. - Menstruation and Ovulation calculator to record monthly periods, mood swings, ovulation symptoms, sex etc. - It is greatly beneficial or those undergoing IVF treatment - Data analysis of ovulation. - Logs in daily health records like cervical mucus, BBT etc. - Tracks and Reviews past periods to predict fertility. - Apart from women men can also use this app to record their health & monitor their fertility. They can also sync their chart with their partner and get maximum benefits.

Kindara: Used by over 1.2 million women across the world, Kindara is one of the popular fertility apps today! A special feature exclusive to the app is Wink, a wireless BBT thermometer that monitors the temperature through sensors. - Easy interface - FABM (Fertility Awareness Based Methods) Technology - A Social community of women with fertility goals. - The app monitors your cervical fluid and depicts the best time to conceive. It takes on data like intercourse, ovulation predictor kit result, PMS Syndrome, cervical changes, firmness of cervix etc. - The app is easily available on android and iOS.

Clue: The app helps you discover your periods, PMS and fertility cycle. Through this app, you can easily track your menstrual cycle, sex, pain, mood swings. - 31 tracking categories like cramps, hair, sleep, exercise etc. - Detailed Analysis of your cycles. - Optimized for Apple watch - The visual data cycle is a unique feature in the app that gives a preview of the fertility cycle.

Ovia Fertility: The app has multiple indicators that predict fertility. - Predicts exact ovulation and fertility window - Makes customized predictions - Ovulation calendar - Tracks mood swings, intercourse, weight & nutrition, BP, cervical fluids, BBT and other activities. - You can easily sync your fitness tracking devices with the app and monitor complete health through a detailed analysis which can easily be converted to a pdf report. The app is compatible with iPhone.












