Taking a stroll in green spaces improves mental health and manages work-related stress.
Taking a stroll in green spaces improves mental health and manages work-related stress, suggested a new study. The study, published in the journal Public Health in Practice, also indicated that people with strong "sense of coherence" (SOC) have greater resilience to stress.
‘Forest or green spacewalking is a simple activity that needs no special equipment or training. It could be an excellent habit for improving mental health and managing stress.’
"Our study suggests that taking a walk at least once a week in a forest or green space can help people have stronger SOC," said the researcher, Shinichiro Sasahara, Professor at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. For the study, the research team analysed workers' SOC scores, demographic attributes, and their forest/green space walking habits.
SOC comprises the triad of meaningfulness (finding a sense of meaning in life), comprehensibility (recognising and understanding stress), and manageability (feeling equipped to deal with stress).
The study used survey data on more than 6,000 workers between 20 and 60 years old. It found stronger SOC among people who regularly took walks in forests or green spaces.
The researchers divided the survey respondents into four groups based on their frequency of forest/green space walking. Then, they compared their walking activity against attributes such as age, income, and marital status, and with the respondents' SOC scores, which were grouped as weak, middle, and strong.
"SOC indicates mental capacities for realising and dealing with stress," Sasahara said.