Why do some of our teeth stain after consuming red wine? Can something be done to prevent it while at holiday parties? As it turns out, few things can help. Rutgers dental expert gives some tips on how to prevent 'wine teeth.'

‘Brush your teeth 30 minutes before drinking wine, but not immediately after drinking as toothpaste can cause further etching.’
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The answer lies in understanding the relationship between the nature of wine and your tooth enamel, says Uchenna Akosa, a dentist who heads Rutgers Health University Dental Associates in New Brunswick, N.J., the faculty practice of Rutgers School of Dental Medicine. Read More..

“When you drink red wine, you’re encountering a triple threat to your teeth’s whiteness: anthocyanins, the pigments in grapes that give red wine its rich color; tannins, which help bind the pigment to your teeth; and the acidity found in wine, which etches your enamel, making it more porous and it easier for the stain to stick. The strength of your enamel and how prone you are to plaque build-up is key to how much your teeth might stain,” says Akosa.
Here are Akosa’s tips for preventing wine teeth:
Brush before, but not immediately after, drinking: “Since plaque can make it look like your teeth are stained, you should brush your teeth 30 minutes before drinking, but not right after since toothpaste can cause more etching.”
Don’t drink white wine before red wine: “The extra acid in the white wine will exacerbate the staining.”