Test face make-up on arms two to three days before Halloween to be sure it will not irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction.

‘Be attentive to your child as Halloween is one of the top days for pedestrian injuries and fatalities.’

Expert from the Ambulatory Primary Care Pediatrics, Jill Creighton suggests: Test Run: Test face make-up on arms two to three days before Halloween to be sure it will not irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction. See Clearly: Do not allow children to wear decorative contact lenses. They can impair vision or cause an infection. Worse, they may irritate the eye, which can then lead to an abrasion of the cornea.

No Trip-Ups: Make sure costumes and shoes fit properly. A baggy costume that drags on the ground can cause trips, slips and falls.
Flame-Resistant: Costumes that brush up against candles and candle-lit jack-o-lanterns can ignite and cause serious burns. Be sure to monitor children around candle-lit lanterns and jack-o-lanterns in walkways and door entrances.
Safety on the Trick-Or-Treat Trail: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Halloween is one of the top days for pedestrian injuries and fatalities. Sergey Kunkov reminds parents that supervising kids in the street requires full-attention. "The most effective way to prevent distractions is to put cell phones away. Keep eyes and minds on little ones at all times," said Kunkov.
Parents should also be alert as it gets dark during peak trick-or-treating hours from 4-6pm. Neighborhood streets will be crowded with cars driving home from work, and there is low visibility for drivers at dusk. Smart costume choices are a great way to prevent accidents while walking from house to house.
Susan Schuval, from the Pediatric Allergy and Immunology gives these tips to keep fun front and center, but allergic reactions at bay: Carry emergency medications at all times (antihistamine/epinephrine autoinjector) Provide parental supervision while trick-or-treating and sorting the candy afterwards Before giving the "OK," check all ingredients and remember treat-sized candy may different in ingredients and may be made on different machinery Better Safe than Sorry: Sort through and swap out candy that the child may be allergic to.